About us
Education, Awareness & Community Development (EACD) started working in 2016 and officially registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 on March 22, 2017. We have grown from a simple clothing distribution in 2016, reaching 25 children, to now 135 tutored each week. We have trained three stitching classes, and 36 women have graduated. Fifty children now know computer skills, and 50 children (some overlap of children) know English phonics and spelling better than their American peers. In 2024, one of our villages had the first poor Christian boy graduate from the 10th grade. This was a significant assault on generational poverty. Typically, boys in this village would be destined for a lifetime of work at a local brick kiln. His accomplishment is the result of EACD’s work in this village.
We have 75 partners from 11 different countries. Our leadership team consists of two Swedes, five Americans, and two Africans. Our board is composed of Pakistanis.
Our partners in the USA, Sweden, and Pakistan are helping us reach children and women in Pakistan with Education Awareness & Community Development (EACD). Imagine the generational impact of teaching children to read, write, and speak English. Our programs not only educate, but we also teach health and hygiene. We help communities develop clean drinking water manage natural resources and plan physical infrastructure. We help people reach their potential physically, mentally, and spiritually.
We are making a difference in Pakistan. This part of the world will be different as more women and children are lifted out of poverty through our EACD organization. We have a vision for improving our part of the world. But, we can’t do it without our partners. In addition to our partners in Pakistan, visionary Swedes and Americans are investing in our work.
Thank you for your interest and partnership.